
Hot Mama Nicole Kidman

New mom Nicole Kidman gave birth to a baby girl, her first child with husband Keith, in a Nashville, Tenn., hospital on July 7, 08 morning. The baby girl was named Sunday Rose.

Sunday — not the day on which the baby girl was born, lest she be associated with the beginning of the work week — joins a long list of offbeat celebrity baby names, from Suri (of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes), to Apple and Moses (of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin) and Shiloh, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s most recent addition.

Compared to other hot mamas like Halle Berry and Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman didn’t look very, very pregnant mama during her pregnancy. I think shedding off baby fat for Kidman should be very easy. I don’t think she needs Jennifer Lopez’s strict fitness regimen, working out daily on weight benches with a celebrity personal trainer to lose her excess baby fat.


The Beauty of Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings new life, Pregnancy brings new hope, Pregnancy brings care... Pregnancy is so special and unique in so many ways, it's really an art...


Pregnant fashion show in New Delhi

A pregnant model showcases a costume during a maternity fashion show organised by a newly launched company which caters to pregnant women in New Delhi August 25, 2007.


Non Alcoholic Drink for Pregnant Chick

Fact: Beer ads = hot chicks
Fact: No alcohol = pregnant women
Drink beer while pregnant?